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Ultrasound in airway management

FREE DOWNLOAD: The ultimate review on Ultrasonography and airway management 

Lung   Lung point
Normal breathing in normal lungs. Note the shadow from the ribs and the strong echo from the pleural line. The movement of the two pleural layers against each other creates the caracteristi image of "Lung sliding".   Pneumothorax. Longitudinal scan between two ribs, note the absence of rib-shadows. The strong white line is the strong echo called the pleural line. Observe the pleural line and note the "sliding lung"- coming in from the right side. The tip of this sliding indicates the point where the lung is just in contact with the parietal pleura, = the "Lung point".
Interstitial Syndrome   Intubation confirmation
B-lines are hyperechoic, laser-like, vertical lines originating from the pleura and extending to the bottom of the field of view. B-lines move synchronously with lung sliding. Interstitial syndrome is characterized by more than two B-lines in the intercostal spaces in most or all of the anterior and lateral areas of the chest.    
Localization of trachea and the cricothyroid membrane with ultrasonography  

Ruling out an intra-operative pneumothorax


Identification of the cricothyroid membrane with ultrasonography
Longitudinal "string of pearls" approach


Identification of the cricothyroid membrane with ultrasonography
Transverse "TACA" approach